Я обычно использую макрос для установки Z:
Rem VBScript To probe In the z axis
If GetOemLed (825) <> 0 Then 'Check to see if the probe is already grounded or faulty
Code "(Z-Plate is grounded, check connection and try again)" 'this goes in the status bar if aplicable
'Code "G4 P1" 'Pause 1 seconds to give time to position probe plate
Sleep 100
PlateOffset = 20 '<--- !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Write here you plate thickness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CurrentFeed = GetOemDRO(818) 'Get the current feedrate to return to later
Code "F100" 'slow down feedrate to 4 ipm
Sleep 100
Rem Probe In the z direction
ZNew = GetDro(2) - 50 'probe move to current z - 50 mm
Code "G31Z" &ZNew
While IsMoving() 'wait for probe move to finish
'ZNew = GetVar(2002) 'read the touch point
'Code "G0 Z" &ZNew 'move back to hit point incase there was overshoot
'While IsMoving ()
If PlateOffset <> 0 Then
Call SetDro (2, PlateOffset) 'set the Z axis DRO to plate thickness
'Code "G4 P1" 'Pause for Dro to update.
Sleep 500
ZNew = PlateOffset + 2 'ZNew = plate thickness + 2 mm
Sleep 100
'ZNew = 2 ' as variant. But ZNew coordinate should be more than a thickness of a plate
Code "G0 Z" &ZNew 'put the Z retract height you want here
Code "(Z axis is now zeroed)" 'puts this message in the status bar
End If
Sleep 100
Code "F" &CurrentFeed 'Returns to prior feed rate
End If
Толщина датчика 20 мм при наезде на датчик откатывается на 2 мм и запоминается в программе 22 мм от уровня стола
передвижение до датчика можно производить шагами по 50 мм или забить свою величину .